A Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace
That where there is hatred I may bring love,
That where there is wrong I may bring the spirit of forgiveness,
That where there is discord I may bring harmony,
That where there is error I may bring truth,
That where there is doubt I may bring faith.
That where there is despair I may bring hope,
That where there is sadness I may bring joy.
That where there are shadows I may bring Thy Light.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort - than to be comforted;
To understand - than to be understood;
To love - than to be loved;
For it is by giving - that one receives;
It is by self-forgetting that one finds;
It is by forgiving - that one is forgiven;
It is by dying - that one awakens to eternal life.

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